Sunday, July 18, 2010

Internet doesn't like me

...At all.

I know most of people say (or at least think) that, and it's kind of selfish to write a blog entry just to rant about something so common, and considering that I should probably be happy enough with having Internet alone but, seriously... Besides, this is my blog and I should be able to random freely if I start noticing that something inanimate and ethereal (that would be the Internet, yeah) hates me without convincing reasons.

Because what could I have possibly done to him that would make him just leave me for minutes and sometimes even hours, exactly in the moment when the YouTube video I'm about to watch is somewhat close to completely loaded? Forget that pun, really—I just couldn't come up with any other way to say what I meant to say. Or if I'm downloading something, my stupid wi-fi will abruptly decide it's time to FAIL and let me start thinking of how entertaining it will be to spend another hour or so hoping this time the download will pass the 60% and miraculously reach the 100%. But, of course, it won't, and I'll have to wait a little more.

So I magically and without any reason decided that I would censor the files I was downloading, but that's not the important part. Besides the fact that when I finally (after four previous attempts, only two of which are shown in the picture) got the thing to work and download the LOVELY file, it does it at a 3.0kb/s speed.

Oh, how I love wi-fi.

Then I remember I do love it and get all sad because even though I use it everyday and try to get along with it by signing in to webpages such as Blogger or Facebook or Blogger or Facebook, and even when I always try not to put anything in front of the antenna-thing so as to not go through all that I've already spoken about... even then, even when I do my best to get it happy and used, it still abandons me when I feel like watching a video or downloading stuff.

Why, Internet? Why don't you like me? Am I too obsessive? Too weird and un-cool to be friends with you? Don't you like the websites I visit? Because I wouldn't really mind not going to Yahoo Answers anymore. (That's a lie, because everything that I could possibly like to ask has already been asked there and that saves me the work of actually doing it.) Or is it Twitter? Maybe Internet doesn't like the fact that it has to endure random people's thoughts on—what is it now? Jason Stackhouse, according to the top-tweet's list. Whomever he is, Internet, I hope you can forget about him and please, please let me download what I want, as a company get's paid for offering you to me.

Anyway, maybe someday I'll be able to watch YouTube videos without the fear of having to press refresh. Or download music and actually hear it, instead of fighting with what my computer likes to call "a broken file" but is more of a "file-that-didn't-succesfully-download-because-internet-hates-you".

I think I'll always wonder if this post made any sense at all. Maybe Internet will feel sorry for me and start helping me find that out... by actually working properly.

That's the internet-addict's life, I guess?

Probably not.

(P.S.: I've always wondered whether to leave a space or not before the first word following an ellipsis that's starting a paragraph, but it turns out I'm too lazy to actually google it, so I'm just leaving it like that because starting with a punctuation mark makes me feel weird. Except if it's a parenthesis.)

(P.P.S.: Guess what file I had to start downloading all over again?)

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